Where Does 'Elder Scrolls 6' Take Place?

Last night, Bethesda confirmed that Elder Scrolls VI is in production with a 36-second teaser of a rocky valley and nothing else. Is that going to stop us from strapping on our tinfoil hats and speculating on where it might take place?

What we know from the trailer

The camera pans through a mountainous coast with some patches of vegetation dotting the landscape. Eventually, we come up on what appears to be a ruined castle or fort, which is the most promiment feature of the trailer. It seems to be the only building in a vast, untouched valley, but if you look closer

There seems to be some sort of settlement built along the shoreline. Maybe it’s a town or a city. Maybe it’s actually a pile of rocks that we’re loading all of our dreams and expectations onto.

This is one game that Bethesda has clamped down pretty hard, so there aren’t even rumors to go on. However, Bethesda also wouldn’t release a teaser in 2018 without expecting millions of fans to tear it apart to find the barest clues. So maybe it’s enough.

The most likely candidate: High Rock

Even if you’ve never played an Elder Scrolls game before, you can probably imagine what a place called “High Rock” looks like. We get to see some of it in Elder Scrolls Online, where it’s shown as a predictably rocky and high place with mountains, a few trees, and a constant presence of clouds. It’s got a rugged beauty that’s in line with the coast shown in the Elder Scrolls VI teaser.

The magically adept Bretons share this province with the Orsimer (basically orcs). Most of their cities are along the borders of the peninsula, just like that possible settlement we saw in the trailer. You can buy some cheap eso gold to enjoy the game world. Wish you happy to play.
